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Info & Policies

Prior to booking an appointment, please carefully read all information and policies.


If an appointment is scheduled and any of the listed contraindications prevent us from performing the service, this will result in the forfeiture of your deposit.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via the contact form or by phone at 514 998 8146

microblading & permanent makeup Contraindications

  • Lupus

  • Epilepsy

  • Illness (cold, flu, etc.)

  • Currently taking antibiotics (please wait 10 days after your last dose)

  • Pregnancy or nursing

  • Diabetes (requires a doctor's clearance)

  • History of keloids or hypertrophic scarring

  • Transmittable blood-related conditions or diseases such as Hepatitis or HIV/AIDS

  • Skin diseases, such as eczema or psoriasis, on the treatment area

  • Glaucoma or use of blood-thinning medications

  • Active skin cancer in the treatment area

  • Use of Accutane, steroids, or Retin-A

  • Currently undergoing or scheduled for radiotherapy or chemotherapy

For Clients with Previous Eyebrow Tattoos

If you have previously tattooed eyebrows, please e-mail us a clear photo of your brows so we can determine if we are able to perform color correction or cover-up.

The brows should be at least 50% faded for a cover-up. You must receive approval before booking an appointment. If this step is not followed and we cannot work over your brows the day of your appointment, your appointment will be canceled and your deposit will be forfeited, as not all previous tattoos can be corrected or covered.

microblading & permanent makeup specific policies
  • To ensure optimal results and pigment retention, you must refrain from consuming caffeine, tea, alcohol, ibuprofen, or any other blood-thinning substances at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. 

  • Before the day of your appointment, please review and sign the separate permanent makeup consent form, which includes all essential and relevant information related to your appointment.

  • A non-refundable deposit will be required when you book an appointment. This amount will be credited toward the total cost of your service with the remaining balance due on the day of the appointment.

  • All touch ups are provided for EXISTING CLIENTS ONLY. 

  •  Initial touch-up appointments should be scheduled 6 to 8 weeks after your first appointment and must be completed within 12 weeks to qualify for the initial touch-up pricing. 


  • Initial touch up appointments booked beyond the 12-week timeframe will be subject to additional fees, which may vary depending on the time elapsed since the initial appointment.

Deposit policies :
  • A non-refundable deposit will be required when you book an appointment. This amount will be credited toward the total cost of your service with the remaining balance due on the day of the appointment.


  • This policy is placed in order to cover any non-refundable expenses incurred in preparation for your appointment.


  • If you need to reschedule, your deposit may be transferred towards another appointment assuming the 72h cancellation policy has been respected. You may reschedule your appointment via our booking platform or you can contact us through the contact form found on this website.


  • Any cancellations made within 72h of the appointment will result in a cancellation fee, penalty or loss of deposit.


  • No shows follow the same protocol as last minute cancellation.


  • Please note that upon submitting a deposit, it will remain valid for up to 3 months to be applied toward an appointment. Neglecting to schedule within this timeframe will result in the forfeiture of the deposit, as per our policy.

General Policies for All Services :
  • Arrive with a clean face, NO MAKE UP, serums or creams.


  • It is essential to minimize movement and conversation as much as possible once I begin working on you, as the face moves too much, which could inevitably compromise the results.


  • Clients are encouraged to sleep, relax or bring headphones 


  • While we prefer that you refrain from bringing guests to the clinic out of respect for the small waiting area and other professionals, our no-guest policy ensures that guests are not allowed in the service room. 


  • Guests may wait respectfully in the designated waiting area if necessary.


  • We kindly ask that you allocate sufficient time for your appointment. If you are in a rush and choose to leave before your service begins, this will result in a cancellation fee, penalty, of forfeiture of your deposit.


  • Delays of up to 15 minutes can occur due to our commitment to providing each client with exceptional care. If you are in a rush and choose to leave before your service begins, this will result in a cancellation fee, penalty, or forfeiture of your deposit.


  • No refund policy on all services.


  • Any issues must be reported within 48 hours in order to be rectified.


  • After care instructions are the clients responsibility to follow.


  • We reserve the right to deny service to any clients who refuse to obey policies or aftercare.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via the contact form found on this website or by email at

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